Academic Enrichment
Academic days meet at Solid Rock Worship Center from 8:45am to 3:00pm. We include more traditional subject material like math, english, social studies, and science.
For the Spring 2025 semester, we will begin Wednesday, January 15 and will end Wednesday, May 18. Snow makeup day is Wednesday, May 25. We will meet every Wednesday throughout the semester except for February 19, April 2, and April 9. There are 15 Wednesdays in the semester.
Wednesday Schedule
8:45 - Arrival, Prayer, and Pledge
9:00 - Math
10:15 - Snack and Recess
10:45 - English
11:45 - Lunch and Recess
12:30 - Science/Social Studies
1:45 - Social Studies/Science
3:00 - Dismissal
Extracurricular Enrichment
Outdoor experiential STEAM days meet at Howard Christensen Nature Center's Camp Lily from 9:00am to 3:00pm. This day is an outdoor education day with a wide range of classes from homesteading to coding.
For the Spring 2025 semester, we will begin Thursday, February 13 and end Thursday, May 19. Snow makeup day is Thursday, May 26. We will meet every Thursday throughout the semester with the exception of Thursday, April 3 and Thursday, April 10. There are 12 Thursdays in the semester.
Thursday Schedule
9:00 - Arrival, Prayer, and Pledge
9:15 - Class 1
10:15 - Snack and Recess
10:45 - Class 2
11:45 - Lunch and Recess
12:30 - Class 3
1:30 - Large Group Time
2:30 - Free Time
3:00 - Dismissal