Faith & Freedom 

Educational Cooperative
"Train up a child in the way he should go;
and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
-Proverbs 22:6

homeschooling is possible for you.

Faith & Freedom is a homeschool co-op offering two days of programming for homeschool families.
Christian Faith
While our Christian faith defines our purpose and programming, we welcome all families. We are an imperfect group of families, but we believe Jesus' redeeming work is open for all. While we do expect families to be open to the Christian faith, we do not require consistent church attendance or other religious convictions.
Educational Freedom
As mostly former public school families, we are thankful for public educators. However, we are now fully committed to homeschooling. Our kids are thriving because we have the flexibility and freedoms to adapt to the child, being unfettered by the burdensome compliance mentality that is overwhelming present in many school systems.
At Faith & Freedom, we encourage our kids to be kids. Our co-op encourages kids to use their imagination and natural ingenuity to develop and think creatively, independently, and rationally. We adapt to the learning needs and personality of the child - the child is not expected to adapt to a form, system, or style of learning.

The kingdom of heaven belongs to  our children.

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.' "
- Matthew 19:14
our children are a blessing to us

The responsibility to Rightly educate children 
belongs to the parent.

While there are different tools used to educate children, we believe homeschooling provides the greatest excellence, flexibility, and quality for our children.

Faith & Freedom Educational Cooperative is a service of our larger homeschool non-profit, Liberty Homeschool Support Services (LHSS Services INC). Our non-profit helps equip new and current homeschool families to succeed in their homeschooling ventures.

our board

Our Board is currently made up of five parents, all who have various gifts and talents. All board members are volunteers, although they may have additional roles or responsibilities that receive a small stipend. Our board members have graciously donated thousands of dollars and many hours towards the success of our co-op.

Malia Gregory
Whitney Milligan
Jackie Billingsley
Director/Vice Chair
Shannon Hardiman
Katie DeBoer